Friday, July 11, 2008

Who Is Bush Fooling !

Who is Bush Fooling!
It is obviously clear , whether Sistani said so or not , that the USA Administration is trying its best to stay in Iraq till God knows when ---and by all means ; in all ways ; by any excuse .. possible OF COURSE TO GET TO THE TARGET (OIL) ; thusa each time the criminal Bush wants to prolong his stay in Iraq, he announces a new excuse ,,,,once for the Iraqis' interest , benifit and welfare ,,,,,then for security ,,,,safety ,,,, I just want you readers remember this question :
WHEN DID Al-Qaida come to Iraq? Surely after the USA invasion...
When did all this slaughtering , killing and kidnapping occur?
Again , after the USA invasion ...
When was Iraq destructed ?
Clearly , after the USA invasion..
When wer the Iraqis displaced, forced to leave their countries and to immigrate ?
Of course after the USA invasion..
When did the Iraqi children starve and abused ?
After the USA invasion ..
When , when ,,,,when ,,,
I can name a thousand question and ,,,every one knows the answer is : After the USA invasion , all the bad things happened in Iraq` and to ALL THE IRAQIS`..
Though Saddam Husain was a dictator , a tyrant ,,,whatever ,,,,,HE WAS much much more merciful and much better than those criminals, those bloody awful thieves ,,,,He might have robbed our wealth , but at least we were living in dignity and pride ,,,,he might have misjudged and mistreated some Iraqis ,,,,Yet , if one stays away from him , his party , his insanity ,,,then one will be left ,,,
I have never joined the Bath party , though all university professors were obliged to join ,,,,nothing happened to me ,,,I must admit , I might not have got special previliges and I was not given all my right ,,,BUT no one hurt me ,,,,
On the contrary , being a highly- qualified professor , I was always given thanks letter ,,,my name was always there for the elite and significant persons ,,,Yes , I was not awarded ,,,but nothing wrong happened to me ,,,Yes , they kept asking me to join the party and insisted but finally after they realized that I am not against them and I belong to no other party ,,,they just left me ,,,however , I was respected and treated very well because it was the qualification that counts not the party here I would like to say that we ( Iraqis 0 were much better at that time than now ....Every fool knows why the USA invaded Iraq ,,,It Is the OIL ....
Therefore, Iraq will be under this invasion till ,,,,God knows when ,,,,,I think the American will NEVER leave unless there is a Third World War ,,,, -----of course ---will not happen the USA ,,,,is ---without a question the MASTER of the whole world ( along with its closest master ======Isreal ---) it dictates everything to the whole world .world ....One hope is left for us Iraqis and other oppressed nations and I do believe in this ,,,,,Allah 's MERCY ...Insha' Allah ,,,the day will come when we will get rid of the Americans , all other dictators , terrorists and whoever and whatever stands in the way of all nations' liberty , rights and decent life ,,,We all pray to the Almighty , Allah , to save the whole world no matter what nationality , race , religion or colour they are be freed from the criminal governments, sick powers , dishonest authorities whose aim is to demolish and torture the people on the account of their personal interests and welfare ..
Dr. Nidhal Al-Nakkash
4.50 pm Friday 11.07.2008
07.11.08 -
6:55 pm #

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